UCAS Personal Statement

Bawah ini ialah personal statement (PS) aku. Mungkin sahaja berguna untuk adik-adik junior yang berkehendakkan contoh. Harap-harap Allah permudahkan urusan UCAS. Terima kasih Mr Smith, Akeem dan Christ yang sudi membantu aku melengkapkan PS ini. Aku mohon universiti di UK untuk jurusan Accounting and Finance sesi 2015. Mohon doa pembaca supaya pihak universiti menerima aku untuk menuntuk ilmu di sana. MKIC terbaik! (tiba-tiba XD). Mohon baca sambil makan bertih jagung. Bahasa Inggeris aku macam budak sekolah menengah :

My passion in Mathematics developed at a time when I was not able to solve it. It makes me think that there must be a solution for every challenge that I face. Besides being involved in numerical equations in mathematics, I also love its complex combination with accounting and finance. It is a huge satisfaction being able to solve all the questions given.

My interest in accounting and finance grew when I study Islamic Law in my school. As a Muslim, it is compulsory to do financial transactions according to Islam. I must learn how conventional bank offers its financial products and convert them to Islamic financial products, where gambling, uncertainty and interest are prohibited. In Malaysia, one of the biggest challenges in Islamic Financial Industry is facing investors who want fixed return investment, which in classical Islamic investment contract; there is no guaranteed return in comparison with the conventional ones. The calculation involved in accounting, has made me love interpreting the financial condition of a company thus making me eager to learn managerial accounting. I prefer to think in an abstract way instead of only conforming classical ideas. To think is to read and learn from the past. That is why I enjoy reading DK The Economics Book so much. It explains game theory, investment and taxation in fascinating way that makes me love economics and finance more.

I believe I am good at extracting information from reading. I take out important points from its clusters into a mind map to be pictured in my memory. This is the reason it is easy for me to remember theories in any subject taken. This ability has allowed me to be able to memorise one fifth of the Koran with its meaning, as Arabic is not my daily language.

My current study is completely related to the course that I apply. I take Mathematics, Economics and Accounting for my A-Level course. Even though I was a science and religion student in my secondary school, it has never become an obstacle to me as I can easily adapt to different kind of knowledge as long as I am well disciplined in mastering all those subjects. I begin reading The Economics when I study A-level as my additional information thus increasing my awareness to issues revolving around me. For example, how People Republic of China can hold the world economy with its abundant labour resource.

 I can study independently and work in-group well. I am also fluent in communication skills. I do biology presentation to the Japanese students about food calories. To present, it is not merely I can understand but all the audience also must understand the topic I convey. Furthermore, I participate in school     debate by which it builds my confidence and critical thinking. I am a school co-operative member. I instill myself with honesty and efficiency. To deal with large amount of money and managing too many customers in a time are not simple. I need to be patient and remain calm in facing those situations. Outside college, I enjoy swimming as well as jogging. These activities are to ensure that I am physically active and fit.

I love to pursue my study in United Kingdom for reasons that I believe are rational. English is the language of business. Mastering English is one of the most essential skills in the international business world. Even though, it is where there are lots of international students, I can easily adapt with different cultures as I live in a multiracial country. The course I choose is the best path for me to be a chartered accountant. I realise that social science actually really catches my attention as it deals on how we solve peoples’ problems.


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